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About Us

Humanity above Bureaucracy

Buurtzorg Caribbean brings the innovation, convenience and personalized care of the Buurtzorg model to the people of Aruba and Curaçao. Through our local self-managed teams, we choose to focus directly and primarily on the patient.


Buurtzorg means ‘Neighborhood Care’, and that’s exactly what our team of nurses provide. Established in The Netherlands in 2006 by Jos de Blok, Buurtzorg is a pioneering nurse-led healthcare organization focused on holistic care that revolutionized community care in the Netherlands.


Buurtzorg Caribbean is proud to be an official partner of the Buurtzorg-model, where collaboration to achieve the best care possible, finding new and fresh ways to offer care in new areas and sharing knowledge and experience is key. The Buurtzorg motto is “Humanity over Bureaucracy” and we stand by this every day. 

Laughing Over Lunch

The Buurtzorg Story

"Self-management, continuity, building trusting relationships, and building networks in the neighborhood are all important and logical principles for the teams."

Buurtzorg onion model.png

The Buurtzorg onion model starts from the client perspective and works outwards to assemble solutions that bring independence and improved quality of life.

Self-managing clients


The onion model assembles the building blocks for independence based on universal human values:


  • People want control over their own lives for as long as possible

  • People strive to maintain or improve their own quality of life

  • People seek social interaction

  • People seek ‘warm’ relationships with others.


The professional adjusts to the client and their context, taking into account the living environment, the people around the client, a partner, or relative at home. The client's informal network is also taken into account; their  friends, family, neighbors, and activities. In this way, the professional seeks to build a solution involving the client and their formal and informal networks. Self-management, continuity, building trusting relationships, and building networks in the neighborhood are all important and logical principles for the teams.


Personal nursing care

Pain management and wound care

Administration of injections

Dressing and undressing

Get in Touch


Our team at Buurtzorg Caribbean wants to hear from you!

Feel free to get in touch with us through the form on the right. Complete all the form fields, and we’ll reach out to you as soon as possible.


Caya G. F. Betico Croes 103

Oranjestad, Aruba

Tel: +297 7388292​


Curaçao (coming soon):


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©2023 by Buurtzorg Caribbean

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